P-009 ACCEPTED: Create an operational budget for the treasurer

Voting period: 10 days (originally was 14 days)


Social Proposal
Request for Action
Constitution Amendment


Create an operational budget for monthly payments.


Tezos Domains is recruiting for roles of SoG and CM based on P-006 ACCEPTED: TED DAO Executive Roles . Treasurer needs to have a budget to be able to execute the monthly payments.


Tezos Domains treasury is controled by a multisig with keyholders from tezos ecosystem. It should be used only for major changes and transfers. Therefore it is not suitable for smaller payments processing.

Treasurer proposes to use a newly created TzSafe (multisig KT1CQR2Xa3ZdwzzxTV8skcdQRJbkJTj1tS8A) which will hold an operational budget allowing to process payments for upcoming 3 months.

Funding schedule

  • The first payment would be 12 500 XTZ.
  • After three months a biannual transfer can be made up to 25 000 XTZ in order to have a sufficient sum for the following 6 month period. Also a community will be notified when the transfer happens.

Within the first nine months the team will create a project sustainability study which will be used for any budget adjustments.


Keyholders will approve the funding of KT1CQR2Xa3ZdwzzxTV8skcdQRJbkJTj1tS8A (tzSafe multisig controlled by Treasurer, i.e. the Tezos Domains Core team) with 12 500 XTZ.

Repeating every six moths (first time after three months):

Keyholders will approve the funding of KT1CQR2Xa3ZdwzzxTV8skcdQRJbkJTj1tS8A (tzSafe multisig controlled by Treasurer, i.e. the Tezos Domains Core team) with amount up to 25 000 XTZ.

After the first 25 000 transfer, the amount will be adjusted based on sustainability and market conditions.

UPDATED on 20.3.2024: In order to execute this proposal, if passes, still in March. The proposal duration was lowered to 10 days

This proposal has been created on Homebase after meeting all ACTIVE criteria.

Vote on P-009: Tezos Homebase
Vote Ends: Mar 30, 2024 9:05 PM UTC

Proposal Passing Requirement (Request for action): 50%+ Yes votes, 10%+ TEDv quorum


Changing proposal to ACTIVE, assigning P-009 and locking original post from further changes.

Voting details have been added to the OP as per timestamp.

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I tried to vote for P009 proposal. the voting message is OK but votes are not casted, the figures keep the same before I voted.

After you voted did you get a successful transaction link in beacon? Do you see a recent transaction in TzKT for your wallet?

Confirming result for P-009

(note: times shown are EST)

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no transaction here:

Looks like the vote didn’t go through if there’s no record in the blockchain explorer. Let’s make sure you can vote on the next proposal when it comes around. I’ll make sure to ping you. What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

hi, please e-mail me at criptogaleriabr@gmail.com

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We confirmed your vote was counted. There is no record of it on the chain because you only sign your action with the front end of Homebase DAO.

If or once the TED DAO moves to a full Homebase DAO, then there will be a record of your vote on-chain.