P-010 ACCEPTED: Steward of Governance (SoG) applicant selection #2

Voting period: 14 days

Social Proposal
Request for Action
Constitution Amendment

tzc.tez is stepping down from the SoG role and continuing work as CM of the TED DAO project.

More individuals participating in governance grows the project and makes it stronger.


This proposal has been created on Homebase after meeting all ACTIVE criteria.

Vote on P-010: Tezos Homebase
Vote Ends: June 8, 2023 3:16 AM UTC


Changing proposal to ACTIVE, assigning P-010 and locking original post from further changes.

Voting details have been added to the OP as per timestamp.

Confirming results for P-010

(note: times shown are EST)

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Thank you all for the votes for the SoG role.
As a long time member of the Tezos Domains community I do see this project along with Tezos as a whole succeeding. I’m glad to be doing something for this project & I’m constantly thinking of changes & improvements for this project in general.

If anyone has any questions or needs any help when it comes to anything relating to the DAO, Discourse forum etc, I’ll always be here to help. Over the course of the next few weeks here is a breakdown on what I will be doing.

  • As set out in the timeline, I will be training til the end of June.
  • During this time, I will also be reviewing and renewing the Discourse Forum’s privacy policy here Privacy - Tezos Domains Governance & terms of service here Terms of Service - Tezos Domains Governance which are both partially completed.
  • I am currently working on 2 in-depth proposals for DAO-related Projects. No further information will be released on this matter at the moment, please stay tuned.
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