P-012 ACCEPTED: Project A / tedDAO.org

Voting period: 14 days


Social Proposal
[:heavy_check_mark:] Request for Action
Constitution Amendment


This Project looks to enable the creation of tedDAO.org the centre of TED DAO documents, links and all useful information for the DAO. The proposed Project will be completed in 4 months & the further upkeep (see bottom) of this project will be provided by the SoG. This will also serve as a trial for a TED DAO Workgroup, the formation of a TED DAO Workgroup in the future as The DAO grows.

This project also includes the creation of Tezos Domains DAO twitter, along with custom graphics which will be still on-brand but visually different to Tezos Domains.


This Project should’ve been something that was done many months ago. The information that every DAO participant and newcomer should have access too all in one place, easily accessible and readable. The proposal will bring value, transparency and professionalism to this DAO. The DAO is a separate entity from Tezos Domains/Tezos Domains Foundation and should have its own space for everyone to explore.


The project will be set out to take 4 months. Over the course of the 4 months, we will look to initially gather all information with help from 1 member from the TDF who would like to help by providing information tagged (TDF) below, and build the site. The Site will look to include all the sub-categories in much detail, set out below in no particular order:

(1.0) TDF Section:

  • (1.1)(TDF): Provide the documents of formation of the TDF.
  • (1.2)(TDF): Provide a detailed breakdown of yearly costs involved to keep the TDF active.
  • (1.3)(TDF): Provide the previous costs breakdown for formation of legal entity TDF.

(2.0) About TED:

  • (2.1) Provide details about what Tezos Domains is.
  • (2.2) $TED Token: Provide details about what the $TED token is and what its used for.
  • (2.3) TED DAO Constitution: Provide text displaying the Constitution.
  • (2.4) Providing a breakdown about .tez domain names, usage, features etc.

(3.0) Voting:

  • (3.1) Provide infomation and examples of how to vote.
  • (3.2) Providing all voting process & types of proposals.

(4.0) TED DAO Links:

  • (4.1) Links to TED DAO twitter, Homebase voting platform, Discourse Forum.

(5.0) Proposals:

  • (5.1) Explain formatting in detail and provide template.
  • (5.2) Explain processes in detail.
  • (5.3) Explanation of Quorum and why its needed etc.
  • (5.4) Explanation of Homebase and what it does etc.

(6.0) Contract Addresses:

  • (6.1) Provide all details relating to each token address by Tezos Domains, such as treasury, registry, $TED sale contract, etc.

(7.0) Protocol Revenue:

  • (7.1) Total and historical income amounts.
  • (7.2) Ways of revenue such as Auction, secondary, registrations.
  • (7.3) Running costs for Tezos Domains from 2021-2024.
  • (7.4) Add Staffing Payment History (CM, SoG, Mods, SMM)
  • (7.5) Add Project Costing breakdowns per Voted on Projects.

(8.0) Tokenomics:

  • (8.1) flow charts/pie charts for original distribution.

(9.0) $TED airdrop information:

  • (9.1) past and present, maybe future of airdrops etc.

(10.0) $TED Delegation APR:

  • (10.1) Explaining the dynamic mathematics behind the APR given for delegation.

(11.0) Help Page/FAQ:

  • (11.1) Providing FAQ in relation to the DAO.

(12.0) Tezos Domains DAO twitter:

  • (12.1) separate on-brand however visually different entity to Tezos Domains Twitter also managed by the SoG. Will only post information relating to the DAO and DAO activities such as DRAFTS & PROPOSALS.
  • (12.2) The Twitter can be found here: Twitter

(13.0) Tezos Domains Docs:

  • (13.1) Parts of this project will be able to directly import into the Tezos Domains Docs, such as the (TDF) info requested.

(14.0) Contacts/Roles:

  • (14.1) Add contact information (twitter, discord etc) for the following members… Core Team, CM, SoG, Mods, Marketer.

(15.0) Graphics:

  • (15.1) 5 different types of custom created simplistic graphics 2(1080 x 1080 px), 3(1600 x 900 px) on brand with TED DAO Twitter / tedDAO.org Colour scheme for post rotation (current gradient purple(ish)/white, will seek opinions on colour scheme before finalising.)
  • (15.2) Themed screenshots relating to DAO information.
  • (15.3) Address Flow Charts.

(16.0) Past Proposals

  • (16.1) Section to include all past proposals in detail and actions taken with screenshots showcasing but only if possible.

(17.0) DAO Voted Changes:

  • (17.1) Add Voted on changes, both on discourse/homebase and discord voting such as CMC listing, Voting process for big and small things, Price changes & space to include future changes.

As TED DAO grows and more things get voted for, such as Workgroups, grants, etc, there will always be space to add other categories. Any add-on categories will be provided by the SoG role after the 4 month build period.

The Domain, tedDAO.org has already been purchased by myself prior to releasing this proposal, in-case of any bad-actors.


This project is to promote and provide ease of access and clear information about the DAO. The team will collect all information relating to the DAO set out in the ‘details’ section and make this look on brand and presentable as tedDAO.org. As mentioned previously, this will also serve as research for the core team & DAO on how DAO processes can be improved, projects being managed and budget adjustments as mentioned here : [P-009 ACCEPTED: Create an operational budget for the treasurer]


  • Progress will be managed by the Project’s Lead Role. There will be monthly meetings held on Discord.
  • Progress will be signed off by the TDF Rep each month.

Role eligibility:

  • Content(Writer) role is open to anyone who is good with the written English language (No use of translator).
  • Content(Writer) role is also open for anyone who holds a current role. As this isn’t a permanent/official role.
  • (optional) Ideally the writer should be close to UTC+00/01 Timezone due to conflicting timezones for meetings arrangements, unless you’re comfortable to have meetings at out-of-office local times.

Role Details:

Lead: (SoG)

  • This role will oversee and lead the project. The SoG will be responsible for the completion of this project.
  • Responsible for the creation of the simplistic on-brand graphics.
  • Responsible for the creation and handling of the Tezos Domains DAO twitter.
  • Responsible for creating workplan.
  • Responsible for meetings.
  • Writing content & helping Content role.
  • Proof-reading the content from Writer.
  • Responsible for future maintenance.
  • Responsible for the upfront cost outlay.
  • UX/UI managing.
  • SEO optimising site.
  • Handling of the payments of Hosting and any other build and collaboration software payments required for this project and retain invoices for this.

Content(Writer): (OPEN)

  • This roles main focus will be content.
  • This role will be taking meeting minutes for every monthly meetings (mentioned in ‘Progress’).
  • Writing worded documents relating to categories illustrated in ‘Details’.

*This role should be ideally suited to someone with strong English skills with the ability to multi-task. No use of AI or any translate app will be accepted for this project so please refrain from using AI or translate.
If you wish to provide value to the DAO by being involved in this project as working as the Content(Writer) role, please contact the SoG or any of the CM team with expressed interest, or reply to this post. This position is open to all, pending DAO approval for this project to progress.

TDF Rep(Core Team Pick):

  • This role is for a member who is willing help to hand over information set out in ‘details section 1.0’ such as documents of incorporation of the TDF in the Cayman Islands.
  • This role will also be involved with the signing off the worklist completion for each month active.
  • Font file for Tezos Domains branding(font) to help with the graphical work. (just would seem pointless personally purchasing this if Tezos Domains already holds licence).

*Role Terms:
The Lead (SoG) is able to terminate the Content(Writer) worker if they are underperforming but only with TDF/Core Team’s approval of action(This will need to be backed up with solid evidence of mis-conduct). If possible, the role will be re-distributed. The re-distribution of this role will only be possible within the first 2 months of 4 month work period. Any time after this, the remainder of funds will be allocated to the Lead (SoG) and the Lead(SoG) will allocate more time to the project to get the project completed solo and on time or sub-contract out for any work needing to be completed.

If the project gets accepted by the DAO. The TDF/Core Team will have to pick a Rep that is suitable to allocate 1-2 hours of their time, to provide for the TDF Rep role for this project. This choice will need to be done before the end of month 1, at the very latest.

Content(Writer) worker will be picked by Lead (SoG) based on information provided under this proposal or via DM’s on Twitter or Discord. This candidate will need to adhere to the terms set out in this proposal, have knowledge of DAO’s, been active in this project for some time, spare 4-8 hours a week, good written English and most of all, motivated.
If nobody comes forward to help with the Content(Writer) role, the total funds will be merged to the Lead Role, the Lead can then either spend more time on the project to make sure this is complete, or sub-contract the work out if wishes to do so.
Having an additional role was to encourage community support whilst being subjectively paid to work on the project, this isn’t exactly needed and can be completed by the Lead Role.

The Content(Writer) role is open to everyone.

No use of AI or any translate app will be accepted for this project.


This project is for 4 months.

Proposal Start:

  • (10 Days) July 2nd - July 12th: (Draft) Discussion period held on Discourse (talk.tezos.domains).
  • (14 Days) July 12th - July 26th: Vote Period.

If voted Yes

  • (6 Days) July 26th - August 1st: Preparation Period.
  • (4 months) Project Starts on August 1st, and ends on November 30th.

*Very brief breakdown below:

  • Month 1: Finalising strategy, finalising timings. Start on creating the context, liaising with TDF Rep to gather info set out in ‘details: section 1.0’, start building out site.
  • Month 2: Finalising content files, creation of graphics, filling content out.
  • Month 3: By month 3, most content will have been added to the site along with links where applicable, graphics finished.
  • Month 4: Final polishes, making everything as presentable as possible.

*Meeting plans will be made available once we have established when the best time/day would be suitable for the participants of this project.

*Meeting minutes will be made available to read for the core team.


The budget is set below, bringing a total of 8,000 XTZ & 30,000 $TED

The Total XTZ amount will need to be used from TzSafe Mutli-Sig(KT1CQR2Xa3ZdwzzxTV8skcdQRJbkJTj1tS8A) to cover the budget/compensation.
The budget will managed by Treasurer’s(TED Core Team) TzSafe Multi-sig.

The OTP of 30,000 $TED will need to be made from Tezos Domains DAO admin (tz1Vi8wpXhuNibdPcZ3BVnBv2XUwamFEGoX7)

*Budget/Compensation Terms:
The time-frame is an estimate, if this project is finished before the 4 month period ends, the Budget will still be as set out and should not diminish, the same goes if this takes longer than 4 months, the budget is only payable for the 4 months only.

TDF Rep has the right to withhold monthly payments if deliverables/monthly goals have not been reached. The funds should be released once the month goal has been reached.

One-time-payment (otp) should be made at the end of the project if all goes to plan & all roles (excluding TDF Rep) adheres to the Terms.


Please see chart below, XTZ is monthly(m), $TED is for one time payment(otp).

$TED(otp) Payment will be set as follows: 100% unlock on completion and sent to the same addresses used for the XTZ(m).

Totals(4m:) shows the totals for the project over the 4 month build period.

Role Quantity XTZ(m) $TED(otp)
Lead 1 2,000 30,000
C̶o̶n̶t̶e̶n̶t̶ 5̶0̶0̶ 1̶0̶,0̶0̶0̶
TDF Rep 1 0 0
Totals(4m:) 3 8,000 30,000

As nobody has been confirmed for Content role, this has been merged into the Lead role.
Payment address:
Lead : tz1UEx2K3HAwhb4T654AHhaxFTEgzLJ1oXPA (2,000 XTZ/m)

Post-4 Month Updates:

After the completion of the project, the site will need someone to manage and pay for the site, originally, the SoG will be solely responsible for this and any future updates to the site. However, this can be changed in the future if the DAO wishes so, and in the case of any changes to the SoG role, the information(logins & email) of the site and controller of the domain name (tedDAO.org) will be transferred to the new SoG, same action will be set if the up-keep of this site was to be made into a role or voted to go to another roles responsibility. The ongoing cost for this would amount to 300 XTZ monthly. Thus would be included in SoG payments set out post-project completion.
This responsibility for the time being will include managing the TezosDomainsDAO twitter account which can be found here:‘(x.com)’. This may later be delegated to the Marketing manager under the CM team dependant on availability.

This proposal has been created on Homebase after meeting all ACTIVE criteria.
Vote on P-012: Tezos Homebase
Vote ends: Jul 26, 2024 1:09 PM BST
Proposal Passing Requirement (Request for action): 50%+ Yes votes, 10%+ TEDv quorum


I think this is a great idea!

I am interested though in the infrastructure of the website. There’s no time, budget, or goals related to the actual creation of the site. This seems like something that should be carved out, no?

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So the timeline is set out in timeline, albeit it’s a brief overview, the timeline is 4 months, without giving it much thought I would personally allocate most of my spare time to complete such project, it’s not exactly a massive project but I’ll be doing this in my spare time, I’ve provided contents of the website, the cost breakdowns for running this site after the 4 months has already been communicated with the core team.

The budget of creating the site is set out in the budget section. The budget includes all costings set out to the core team privately along with labour to create such site.

Goals are set out in the ‘goals’ section.

All you say is “creating the site” but where? What technologies? Wordpress? Shopify? Custom code?

I would be using custom html along with notion & super, I haven’t decided which platform I’d use as of yet but it’s not exactly something I would need to provide as it wouldn’t effect the budget. It would be similar to competitors for their DAOs sites. As mentioned in the context of the proposal, all project progression will be signed off before any funds provided by the multi-sig.

Notion is a great call! It makes it very easy and takes the maintenance off of you. I see why you didn’t spell out more. I just live in a more technical world so I hear ‘website’ and I think about the whole picture. a Notion site should fit the bill quite well, remain relatively secure over time without additional upkeep, and the cost is very fair. I assume TED will pay for the premium?

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Yeah, so security will be handled and integrated with the platform I use along with notion.

The ongoing costs will be included in the Post 4 months updates/upkeep. The $TED bonus is just an incentive/bonus to complete the project on time. I feel projects like this should include $TED values along with XTZ.

Couldn’t agree more! You should be earning a larger stake and vote with your efforts, along with compensation. Especially when the compensation is relatively small compared to the work involved.

As nobody has confirmed they would like to have the Content(Writer) Role, I have allocated an update under Role Terms indicating the project can go ahead without help, funds will be allocated to the Lead Role fully and more time will be allocated to this project to complete if voting is successful.

As set out in timeline, today I will be publishing this to vote.
I had previously extended this from the 9th to the 12th as can be seen in the edits. This was due to issues with Homebase and P-011 which have since been sorted.

I will be making 1 last edit to remove the Content(Writer) role and allocate the funds to the Lead Role along with payment address(s) before I push this to vote.

Changed to P-012 ACTIVE. Proposal is now active on Homebase, locking the OP from further changes.

Voting info has been added to OP as per timestamp

Confirming results for P-012

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