P-014 DRAFT: Opening Up 1 Character and 2 Character Names

Voting period:

14 days


Social Proposal

Request for Action

Constitution Amendment


This proposal confirms the desire to open up registrations for 1 character (1D) and 2 character (2D) names. A launch plan (via Objkt & TED auctions) and a suggested auction strategy is provided.


Releasing 1D and 2D names is crucial for the TED DAO’s progress to serve the community as an infrastructure naming service. By making these rarest domains available, we ensure they are put to productive use rather than remaining inaccessible. The proposed Dutch (a.k.a price drop) auctions will ensure a more engaging and interesting launch experience.


This proposal is meant to launch shortly after being approved. The launch of 1D/2D names will precede and dovetail all the further changes described by P-013. The passing of P-013 is not required for the implementation of this proposal.

The Tezos Domains project will work with various key teams across the ecosystem to plan the launch.

The launch of 1D names will happen on Objkt via three week-long auctions starting at 1000 tez. The launch of 2D names will happen directly on the Tezos Domains website. The names will be programmatically transferred to a Tezos Domains Foundation wallet, which will initiate the auctions.

Furthermore, a possible yearly month-long sales window of 50% (described in P-015) provides existing and new 1D/2D domain registrants a more affordable cost of 500/250 tez. By providing this Tezos Domains sale opportunity, the project further optimizes its ability to generate income.

Launching the 1D names will occur first on Objkt. Three week-long Dutch auctions will be created with a starting cost of 5000 tez and final cost of 1000 tez. All unsold domains will be made available on Objkt at the cost of 1000 tez.

Once the 1D launch fully concludes, the launch of 2D names will occur on Tezos Domains. Three week-long auctions will be created for all the 2D names with a starting cost of 500 tez.

This proposal is designed to dovetail with P-015 DRAFT: Yearly November Half-off Domain Sale. This proposal is designed to keep interest in 1D/2D names high because of the promise of a month-long half-off sale where 1D names would be just 500 tez while 2D names would be 250 tez.

1D/2D Domain Launch Plan:

Here’s a summary of the steps necessary to successfully promote and launch the newly unlocked domains:

  1. Pass P-14

  2. 4-8 weeks of promotion and planning

  3. Promotion

1. Reaching out to Tezos Domains users on X/Reddit/Discord/Telegram (CM team)
2. Tezos Domains hosted spaces on Wednesdays/Saturdays (CM team)
3. Participate in various Tezos Spaces and promote launch (CM team)
4. Promote to well known domains users on other chains (CM team)
5. Plan extra spaces for just before and during the launch to explain how auctions work on both platforms (Objkt and Tezos Domains) and which auctions will be where (CM team)
  1. Planning
1. Confirm feasibility and execution of proposal (Dev team)
2. Work with Objkt, Trilitech & Tezos Commons CM teams (CM team)
3. Plan giveaway via Discord raffle of w.tez domain (subject to change) (CM team)
  1. Launch 1D auctions on Objkt (Dev team & CM team)

  2. Week Dutch auctions for all 1D names using the settings below

  3. All unsold domains are made available on Objkt at 1000 tez

  4. Launch 3 week-long 2D auctions on Tezos Domains with starting cost of 500 tez. There is a three-week auction period and auctions are automatically prolonged if a bid is made near the auction end.


  • Modify smart contracts to allow sale of 1D/2D names (Dev team)
  • Dev team shall work with CM team to plan and implement changes

Let’s please only start with opening up a single 1D (a.tez) and auction that. Let’s not set a price for it.

Rather, let’s let the auction itself inform us as to what the pricing should be for subsequent 1D sales and perhaps even 2D sales. That way we mitigate the propensity for a mistake in price setting.

It’s also possible that this single 1D auction could bring us the revenue we need in the short term.

If we release it all at once, we have no way of knowing if the price that we set was too low or too high.

Let’s do this auction first. What we learn from that will be far more valuable than the extra time it takes before getting to all these other release proposals/changes. Otherwise we’re just throwing all this stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

It also is much better for marketing all around, beause we can all focus on hyping up this ONE auction and getting people to focus on this one thing going on is a lot more clear and resonates much better for Tezos Domains overall than if the headline were “Tezos domains makes a bunch of changes” — that doesn’t resonate. Whereas this auction is a story!


I agree with Kevin’s rationale. It’s essential to gauge the market before introducing major price changes or new products. This approach allows us to collect valuable data that will guide future strategies.

Let’s see what the Community thinks.


100% in agreement here! This is essentially a one-time opportunity so we should proceed slowly and carefully.

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