Apply for Steward of Governance (SoG) role #2

As previously announced, I’d like to reiterate that I’m stepping down from the SoG position on the last day of June, 2024. The newly elected SoG will start on July 1st, 2024.

This change is necessary to make sure DAO executive team members don’t hold more than a single role within the organization. While there is nothing specifically prohibiting this from happening, and in fact this may prove useful on some limited occations, it’s best for the DAO if more people hold positions, bringing more eyes/transparency to the operations.

The timeline of the election goes as follows:

  • Self-nominations: April 22 – May 22
  • Homebase proposal vote with all self-nominations: May 23 – June 6
  • SoG training: June 7 – June 30
  • SoG starts: July 1

The salary for the position is 300 XTZ/month.

To learn more about this position, go to details here .

Please put any questions about the position in this thread and they’ll be answered promptly.

!! Application open until 22nd of May 2024 !!

If you are interested in this job, please reply with following format:

My Tezos Domain: [your domain].tez

[fill out]

What CM or governance experience I have, if any. Be as detailed as possible to convince the DAO voters to vote your way:

[fill out]

Explain how you will fulfill all the duties outlined in the job description:

[fill out]

Post your tezos payment wallet for the position(s):

[fill out]


My Tezos Domain: [your domain].tez


What CM or governance experience I have, if any. Be as detailed as possible to convince the DAO voters to vote your way:

While I lack direct retroactive experience in traditional Steward of Governance roles, I possess a profound comprehension of the dynamics within DAOs and their communities. My detail lies in understanding the essential workings and ethos of DAOs, as well as fostering inclusive and thriving community environments. I bring to the table an ability to maintain impartiality while also forming strong connections with proposals and their proponents. Moreover, I am adept at offering assistance and support to both proposals and their participants, and I can ensure fairness and objectivity when required to fulfill this role.

Explain how you will fulfil all the duties outlined in the job description:

Due to the considerable time invested in Tezos Domains over the years, I am eager for change, much like a few others. Any form of change is welcomed.
I will look to actively moderate the forum, making sure everything is in line with the DAO Constitution.

I am committed to keeping the community informed about the current status of each active proposal. I’ll share updates on Discord and other relevant social media channels such as X. Additionally, I am open to receiving community suggestions and feedback, fostering a collaborative approach to decision-making within the Tezos Domains ecosystem.

Ontop of this, I will be actively providing a helping hand towards the CM, Mods other internal Team Members as and when needed.

Post your tezos payment wallet for the position(s):



My Tezos Domain: catfantastic.tez

What CM or governance experience I have, if any. Be as detailed as possible to convince the DAO voters to vote your way:

Oversaw the building and management of the Tezos Asian communities. Unfortunately, I am not able to post more than two links at the moment but I helped to build and grow the Tezos socials in China, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan and Vietnam.

Explain how you will fulfill all the duties outlined in the job description:
Will work closely but objectively with proposal authors in advancing proposals, and communicate with other DAO executives accordingly.

Post your tezos payment wallet for the position(s):


Catfantastic is a great candidate for the position

Snorlax has been around for years, literally. He is to me a true OG and someone that’s knowledgeable when it comes to DNS, in general.
Let’s priorize day 1 supporters rather than bringing ppl that never been involved in Tezos Domains (other candidate registered his domains a few days ago, fyi). We already had enough leechs around and time has proven that it was a wrong idea, every single time.

Clearly isn’t fam, the guy registered his domain a few days ago, I mean it’s totally cool to enroll your friend but let’s focus on core community and people that has been supporting the protocol since day 1 (for years).

As he had mentioned in his application, he has worked for the Tezos ecosystem helping build and manage Tezos Asian Communities. He has lead partnerships with different projects and communities as well. Anyways, he can definitely present himself and why he is a good candidate,
He might not be somebody who you are familiar with but he is a professional and has vast knowledge and experience when it comes to the web3 ecosystem. I support him not because he is my friend, I support him for I know his professional skills and talent.

As a fellow OG, mod and a long time TD user I think Snorlax will be the perfect match for the position because of his experience and knowledge and is far better option then someone new or someone not very into the TD ecosystem.