How to Become a Delegate

Thanks for being interested in becoming a delegate on Tezos Domains! Our blog post has explained why Tezos Domains need delegates. If you have decided to become one, now you can learn how to do it.

If you have problems with any of the steps, remember you can always get help on our Discord.

Step 1: Reply to this topic

First, reply to this topic with the following information:

My Tezos Domain: [your domain].tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

[fill out]

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

[fill out]

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

[fill out]

You can include any additional information about yourself as you want. You are also more than encouraged to share your vision for Tezos Domains. Just keep it civil and respectful!

Your domain has to have a reverse record set. Otherwise your delegate info won’t be made public.

After posting, wait until a moderator checks your post for formalities. Then, click the Share button next to the reply and copy the URL.

Step 2: Link your post

Start by linking your post to the domain in the app. You can do that by opening the domain edit screen and adding a new field under “Additional Data”:

Here you can simply enter your URL from Step 1:

Click “Save”! Your domain and introductory post are now linked.

Having a Tezos Profile helps as well, with verifying your identity. Tezos Profile credentials display as additional icons.

Step 3: Self-delegate

Delegating to yourself confirms that you want to be publicly visible as a delegate in the app.

We have set up a dedicated page for self-delegating. If you followed the steps above, you should the “Self-delegate” button there:

After hitting “Self-delegate” and confirming in your wallet, you will become visible to everyone for delegation!


My Tezos Domain: martinp.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

I’m the main person who builds and takes care of the behind-the-scenes stuff for the Tezos domains app. Since its launch, Tezos Domains has never experienced an outage, and I’m committed to keeping it that way.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

I helped building our governance structure, and I’m eager to bring my technical expertise to the table when it comes to DAO proposals. With Tezos Domains running smoothly without any outages since its inception, I’m confident in my ability to contribute valuable insights and ensure the technical soundness of our decisions. I would like to represent the technical perspective in our DAO proposals.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

I want to step into the role of delegate, where I can give insights about the core team’s needs for maintenance and future improvements from a technical standpoint. Having been instrumental in building our governance structure and ensuring the flawless operation of Tezos Domains since its inception, I’m well-equipped to advocate for our technical requirements and drive our vision forward.


My Tezos Domain: andrewcz.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

I’m proud to have been embedded in the Tezos ecosystem since 2018. As the founder of Tezos Domains, my journey has been deeply intertwined with this innovative project since its inception. We officially launched Tezos Domains in 2021 after a dedicated development phase beginning in 2020, marking a significant milestone in my Web3 journey.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

My experience extends beyond Tezos, as I am an active member of multiple multisigs and governance structures within the broader blockchain space. The hands-on experience has not only enriched my understanding of the dynamic landscape of blockchain governance but also inspired innovative thinking and a collaborative spirit.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

My aspiration to become a delegate is fueled by a deep-seated passion for contributing to Tezos Domains’ evolution. As a core team member, my commitment to driving the project towards becoming a leading self-sustaining entity on the Tezos blockchain remains unwavering.

My vision for Tezos Domains is grounded in innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. With a wealth of Web3 experience, I am eager to continue contributing groundbreaking ideas, and fostering an environment of innovation and inclusivity.

Together, we can propel Tezos Domains into an era of unprecedented growth, innovation, and success. I am ready and excited to embark on this journey, fortified by a wealth of experience and an unyielding commitment to the Tezos community and beyond.


My Tezos Domain: laegend.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

I have a comprehensive understanding of Web3 technology and the blockchain ecosystem. My knowledge encompasses blockchain technology, including its decentralized and immutable nature. I’m well-versed in various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, having used them for transactions and investments.

I have experience in creating and interacting with smart contracts on blockchain platforms, showcasing my proficiency in decentralized application development. Additionally, I’ve used and even developed decentralized applications (DApps) that leverage blockchain’s transparency and security.

Handling cryptocurrency wallets to securely store, send, and receive digital assets is second nature to me. I’ve also acquired tokens through ICOs and participated in airdrops, solidifying my grasp of token economics and distribution methods.

In the realm of digital art and collectibles, I’ve been actively involved in NFTs, both as a collector and creator. This includes buying, selling, and minting non-fungible tokens on blockchain platforms.

Furthermore, I’ve explored the exciting world of decentralized finance (DeFi), engaging in lending, borrowing, and liquidity provision on various DeFi protocols, which highlights my adaptability to cutting-edge financial innovations.

I have hands-on experience in blockchain development, having coded and deployed projects on blockchain platforms. Additionally, I’ve exercised my voting rights in blockchain project governance through governance tokens, actively contributing to the direction of these projects.

To stay informed and connected within the Web3 community, I regularly participate in online forums, communities, and social media groups focused on blockchain and decentralized technologies. My Web3 journey is an ongoing adventure, and I continue to explore and contribute to this evolving landscape.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:
I have participated in the blockchain governance of COREDAO, Optimism and arbitrum respectively

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

Becoming a delegate on Tezos Domains offers a unique opportunity to actively engage with the community, enhance network security, earn rewards, influence governance decisions, support decentralization, apply technical expertise, represent the community’s interests, foster learning and growth, build a positive reputation, and contribute to the overall success of Tezos Domains and the broader Tezos ecosystem. :saluting_face:


My Tezos Domain: baking-bad.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

Tezos ecosystem, Explorer, DeFi, API, etc.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

Youves, Plenty Network

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

We want to contribute to the Tezos Domain project as many other projects in the Tezos ecosystem


Reposting again because I will not be able to use by bakingbenjamins.tez address for this due to technical limitations at this time.

My Tezos Domain: [your domain].tez


What Web3 experience I have, if any:

Ethereum since 2017, Ether-1 (forked Ethereum), community manager for a bunch of projects, coding, devops, security, automation, servers/infra.

I run the Tezos Baking Benjamins bakery and I’m a core member of the Tez Capital team. You’ll notice I’m using tzc.tez domain for this to show how serious we are about TED governance.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

Worked on Ether-1 governance which consisted of 7 delegates (Etho Protocol Democratic Council - Etho Protocol Library). Injected several Tezos proposals, including core dev ones as well as community ones. Member of Kolibri mod team.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

I want to make sure Tezos Domains is successful.


My Tezos Domain:

What Web3 experience we have:
Combined, the team has broad experience from project creators on ETH, and has been helping multiple projects on Tezos and actively participating in SebuhDAO and PepeDAO. We are the team behind TheTezosCommunity. We are diversified and are here for the community.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:
TTC aims to ensure the success of this DAO by championing onchain governance and amplifying the community’s voice within Tezos. We envision a great future where we lead the way to show others how a DAO can work.


My Tezos Domain: desultor.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

I’ve been an active collector and creator on multiple chains since 2018, and a trad domain name collector since 2004. in this time I also fought for UI/UX design and customer-focused as an advocate on consulting and contracted web3 and crypto-related marketplaces and platforms.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

I’m an active participator in DAOs I love, and have served as voting member for several artist-centric ecosystems. I’m a proponent of freedom to transact and decentralized ownership foremost.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

as a big time fan of domain names and the Tezos ecosystem, I’d love to vote on behalf of artists, collectors and fam in the clan. I have almost two decades of meatworld UI/UX digital products as well, and think user-first.


My Tezos Domain: delegate2ethan.tez !!!

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

I have worked with multiple blockchain tech incubators in Southern California over the past 3 years providing marketing, strategy, product, technical, and operational support to grow their products from idea phase to fully functional products.

I own a web3 development agency and web3 marketing agency that has built multiple in-house and external products on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tezos.

Best of all, I have been part of the Tezos Domains Team for just over a year!

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

Being part of Tezos Domains, I have spent lots of time alongside other team members helping structuring the Tezos Domains DAO, giving feedback, creating rules, mechanics, and operational structure for the forum. I have a full understanding of every function that will take place within this DAO.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

As one of my main roles being part of the Tezos Domains core team is representing the community, I would love to be able to represent their voting rights as well! I am super passionate and knowledgable about everything going on within the Tezos Domains ecosystem and hope to use that to my advantage when creating proposals and placing votes on behalf of others.


My Tezos Domain:

What Web3 experience I have, if any:
I’m the founder of the DOS Punks DAO, Max Capacity. I’ve been working with crypto since the 2010’s and NFTs on Tezos since 2021 in the HEN era. I’m chain agnostic.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

We’re an artist DAO supporting new and emerging artists. January will be our two year anniversary. We nominate and vote on artists as a DAO and then collect their work and promote them. We’re a cross-chain DAO, which makes on-chain governance tricky, but we use a private telegram chat for voting and discussion. We have over 100 members, including web3 devs, artists, collectors, and project founders.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

Besides our DAO’s mission statement of benefitting the Tezos art community, we also contribute to comminuty development efforts on Tezos. We would like to help grow the Tezos ecosystem and community.


My Tezos Domain: Kevin.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:
I’ve been doing my best to spread general Tezos adoption for the past 5 years (since Tezos launched), having participated in the crowdsale. I built out community resources including, and have been evangelizing the ecosystem nonstop. I’ve been building on Tezos for the past 3 years through StableTech consortium (via my company Wealthchain). Our releases include Stabletez—including USD Tez (USDtz), ETH Tez (ETHtz), BTC Tez (BTCtz)—,TEZEX Tezos liquidity exchange and interchain atomic swap bridge, and TezFin (Tezos Finance) automated DeFi lending and borrowing.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:
Although my reason for being so enthusiastic about Tezos has been defined by the on-chain governance, I never imagined engaging so directly with the on-chain governance mechanism. However, I ended up submitting the two closest Proposals in Tezos governance Proposal stage history, which gave me unique and spirited first-hand insight into the dynamics of blockchain governance, including the politics that come with the territory.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:
I believe Tezos Domains is one of the strongest projects with some of the greatest potential we’ve every had on Tezos, and it intersects with so many other verticals in Tezos—from digital identity, to the art market, to DeFi, to gaming, to real estate. I believe I can add value to the governance consensus.


My Tezos Domain:


What Web3 experience I have, if any:

Based in Paris - France, I’ve been working in the web0-1-2-3 (!) for years as a consultant in digital communications, and I’m also the founder of “Achetez de l’Art” (achetezdelart.tez) with 2 galleries, in Paris near Bastille and in Bordeaux, specialized in comics original drawings, photo, street art and NFTs.
Since early 2021, I’ve been passionately collecting thousands of NFTs (yes, thousands) from many huge artists I deeply admire, en ETH and TEZOS.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

I have a serious experience in company governance, not yet in DAOSs.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

I’ve always had a deep-seated fascination with domain names and their power to shape the online presence of individuals and organizations. When Tezos Domains launched, I was immediately hooked and secured prime domains through my accounts, georges.tez and sumo.tez. Today, I’m a proud owner of hundreds of valuable .tez domains.

I firmly believe that Tezos Domains are crucial for the Tezos blockchain ecosystem to gain mainstream traction. Domains act as the front door to the digital world, and having a .tez extension adds a unique flair that sets it apart from traditional domains. The Tezos blockchain itself brings innovative features to the table, such as on-chain governance and formally verified smart contracts, which can only be complemented by a robust domain system.

My vision is for every individual, company, and even cities to not just register but actively use their .tez domains. I see Tezos Domains as a pivotal aspect in creating a more connected and easily navigable Tezos ecosystem. As a delegate, I want to contribute to this vision by advocating for wider adoption, facilitating partnerships, and ensuring that the governance and operations of Tezos Domains align with its long-term success and mainstream acceptance.

My extensive experience in online communications, and a strong network within the art and NFT community, equips me with the skills and connections to champion the cause effectively. I look forward to leveraging these skills to make Tezos Domains a household name in the blockchain space.


My Tezos Domain: parzival.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

HICATHON workgroup lead, Metaverse Architect, Community Manager (GEMZ, Zerostake, Rarible), now working as a Product Marketing Manager in Web3.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

RARI Foundation / RARI DAO

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

Being an avid collector of Tezos NFT and domains since May 2021, I am looking to offer a voice for the people, by the people. I have a vested interest in the success of not only Tezos Domains, but Tezos overall, and want to help contribute towards the success of the Tezos Domains, which imo benefits the Tezos ecosystem overall.

In my current role of PMM, I actively monitor and assess user feedback, resulting in creative solutions to address pain points while advocating internally for our users. I want to bring the same approach to being a delegate.


My Tezos Domain: forkdao.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

Members have been active in NFTs, DeFi, ReFi, social networks and governance for +2yrs now

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

Constituted DAO for a year, check

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

We have been active members of Tezos ecosystem for over a year now, this is a great chance to step up

Fork DAO (
A place to discuss about fork dao improvements


My Tezos Domain: delegated.tez

What Web3 experience do I have, if any:

Besides starting, selling, or sometimes also abandoning various web3-related ventures, I have been running a web3-based press agency for two years now. With various contacts with big leaders and new pioneers in this industry, I have gained vast knowledge about most aspects of the web3 cosmos.

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

I have participated and still participate in various organizations and understand the importance, especially of a well-filtered delegation pool to ensure the quality of a decentralized governance system.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

I want to become a delegate to do my part to grow and utilize the Tezos Ecosystem.


My Tezos Domain: zaha.tez

What Web3 experience I have, if any:

Heavy longtime investor/user/marketer of Web3 domains (Tezos Domains, ENS, ALGO NFDomains, ADA Handle, Unstoppable Domains and more). Currently the biggest investor and holder of the most precious Tezos Domains grails, with 100k spent on them. Tezos Domains OG and contributor. Web3 for the win!

What experience with blockchain governance and DAOs I have, if any:

Several Web3 and Crypto projects/DAOs i contributed massively to, so far all on Ethereum and Algorand. Now it is time to do the same for and on Tezos, the smoothest smart contract blockchain in the world.

Why do I want to become a delegate on Tezos Domains:

Together we will be able to make a change. There are a lot of things many of us don’t agree with what the Tezos Domains team did and still is doing. Many here are heavily disappointed. Don’t give up. I can be your voice regarding these issues. Strong together!


vocovoco.tez I am fulltime in crypto since early 2017. Participated in several Dao’s just by voting. Long term believerin crypto/blockchain. I was around during the Tezos Ido and I am glad to see them still being here. I would like to become a delegate in order to get closer to a project with a real chance of existance in the future. Tezos Domains will fulfill this role and is a necessary project in the Tezos environment. I am from Holland, participated in the ido through Trustswap. Curious about the future. Kind regards Vocovoco


I am a Tezos advocate. I take pride in the early development of DAOs and promoting the best way I can to the community for the common good of the entire Tezos Ecosystem. Hope you guys bear with me in this team effort for the best of Tezos! Thank you and God Bless!

Luckymonkey.tez signing in!