Apply for Community Manager (CM) role

My Tezos Domain: [your domain].tez


What CM or governance experience I have, if any. Be as detailed as possible to convince the DAO voters to vote your way:

I’ve joined the crypto scene back in 2017 and since then i can say i have seen many many projects come ups and downfalls and i know exactly what to do to make Tezos Domains prosper once again. I have been a Community Manager for a few projects before (mainly NFT ones) that i can say have done quite well for their time and I’m confident we will do amazing thing on here.

Explain how you will fulfill all the duties outlined in the job description:

  • Revive the discord/telegram channels
  • Acquire a team (mods)
  • 24/7 support
  • Always made sure everyone is doing their job correctly
  • Heavy X (twitter) marketing, nothing like we have seen before
  • Weekly updates on our progress and numbers
  • Collabs and regular AMA’s
  • Discord/Telegram bots (they wont be spammy and annoying in general like now)
  • Maintaining and upgrading
  • Bring information to community from Social Media and Core Team

Post your expected monthly salary, paid by the DAO:
2000$ USD worth of XTZ

Post your tezos payment wallet for the position(s):