P-016 ACCEPTED: Pricing structure change #2: Choosing options

Voting period:

10 days


Social Proposal
Request for Action
Constitution Amendment


The P-013 ACCEPTED: Pricing structure change #2 proposal established consensus on the subject of changing the pricing structure of Tezos Domains. This proposal aims to choose the 1-4 most popular price structure changes that will be voted on.

Three weeks will be provided for discussion of this proposal before putting it into the governance system with the up to 4 most popular, well reasoned options as determined by DAO delegates and general community support.


The Tezos Domains project needs to change its price structure in order to sustain the project while continuing to provide an affordable and stable infrastructure service to the Tezos ecosystem.

The price structure suggested as default by this proposal below is intended to sustain the project as-is without requiting cutbacks to the budget. It also allows for moderate expansion should a more bullish scenario unfold following the successful passing of this proposal, dovetailing with the possible passages of P-014 ACTIVE: Opening Up 1 Character and 2 Character Names and P-015 ACTIVE: A Trial December Half-off Domain Sale.

It’s important to consider other price structure change suggestions as well as other approaches to the budget. The suggestions should be well-reasoned with sound logic and some kind of projection of income to ensure the change is sustainable for the project.

The number one goal of this DAO is to keep the Tezos domains service uninterrupted.


These details are the same ones as in P-013, except for the part which agrees that core devs have the right to keep XTZ/USD prices of domains roughly equivalent as the price of XTZ rises or falls. This has already been accepted by the P-013 proposal and will be communicated as described, if necessary in the future.

The tzc.tez delegate working on this proposal suggests the following permanent price structure for consideration by the Tezos Domains community:

Suggested Price Structure

This structure ensures that 5D+ names can’t be hoarded as easily as before, while still providing an affordable option for all regular users who have and use 1-5 names.

This structure also ensures that 3D and 4D (and 1D/2D if P-014 passes) names are more affordable to register and to renew. The better affordability will allow domain name sellers on the secondary market to perform more activity

Desirable Domains

Here’s a summary of how many domains that are desired can be purchased of each length as well as the income they could generate:

1-Letter Domains

  • Letters: 26 (A to Z)
  • Numbers: 10 (0 to 9)
  • Total: 36
  • Income if 50% registered: 54,000 XTZ (18*3000)

2-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: 107
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~20
  • Total: ~127
  • Income if 50% registered: 47,200 XTZ (63*750)

3-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~1,065
  • Actual Names: ~100
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~300
  • Special Numbers: ~15
  • Total: ~1,480
  • Income if 50% registered: 55,500 XTZ (740*75)

4-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~3,985
  • Actual Names: ~500
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~1,000
  • Special Numbers: ~30
  • Total: ~5,515
  • Income if 50% registered: 49,626 XTZ (2757*18)

5-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~8,996
  • Actual Names: ~1,500
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~2,000
  • Special Numbers: ~50
  • Total: ~12,546
  • Income if 50% registered: 18,819 XTZ (6273*3)

6-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~15,000
  • Actual Names: ~3,000
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~4,000
  • Special Numbers: ~100
  • Total: ~22,100
  • Income if 30% registered: 19,890 XTZ (6630*3)

7-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~25,000
  • Actual Names: ~5,000
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~6,000
  • Special Numbers: ~200
  • Total: ~36,200
  • Income if 20% registered: 21,720 XTZ (7240*3)

8-Letter Domains

  • Scrabble Words: ~40,000
  • Actual Names: ~8,000
  • Nicknames/Handles: ~10,000
  • Special Numbers: ~300
  • Total: ~58,300
  • Income if 10% registered: 17,490 XTZ (5830*3)

Projected DAO Income

If half of the desirable names from 1D-5D, 30% of 6D 20% of 7D and 10% of 8D names are registered yearly, that will generate an income of 284,245 XTZ. When converted to USD, that will be just enough to keep operations going as-is.

Current DAO Income

Shown below is the Tezos Domains quarterly income for all years based on domain length.

Current Project Costs

To keep the project running and to maintain all the software, including middleware, in lockstep with Tezos protocol upgrades (3X year), a professional team of developers and server operators is needed. Maintaining dozens of servers with various housekeeping needs across Mainnet and Ghostnet requires time and vigilance from the Dev team.

Common sense infrastructure optimizations and operational cuts will be made where possible over the coming months to ensure the long term viability of the project.

The operation of the Tezos Domains service has been uninterrupted for years, so the goal is to cut where possible but ensure that the quality and stability of the Dapp is preserved.

Suggested Price Structure Options

For 1D/2D/3D/4D/5D+

  1. 3000/650/75/18/3
  2. TBD (optional)
  3. TBD (optional)
  4. TBD (optional)


  • Schedule change with core dev (CM team)
  • Communicate to Tezos community with 30 day notice (CM team)
    • 8 X spaces (Wednesdays & Saturdays)
    • X reachout to 1,000-5,000 active NFT artists
    • Announcements on all “Official” (i.e. ones most people use) Tezos channels
    • Work with Tezos Commons and Trilitech to push news about changes
  • Implement change on the announced date
  • Publish an official Tezos Domains blog post with the rationale for the changes

This proposal has been created on Homebase after meeting all ACTIVE criteria.
Vote on P-016: Tezos Homebase
Vote Ends: Nov 20, 2024 1:50 PM GMT
Proposal Passing Requirement (Request for action): 50%+ Yes votes, 10%+ TEDv quorum

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I want to officially propose my independent structure.


I have thought about it quite a bit, and would argue that using the rational provided, this would make more sense. It also pushes the conversation forward and forces a discussion and vote from the community.

My proposed structure is nothing more than an adjustment for inflation of our current model back to the original USD price of around 2.5USD/1XTZ. That was the average price of 1xtz for years and people paid that for 5d+ names with no argument.

This proposal also strictly assumes that a adjustable price model with be put in place to adjust for inflation or deflation in the future, as per P13. Using the math above, If just half of the domains sold at this price we would see something more like this:

1D 18,000 XTZ
2D 47,200 XTZ
3D 277,500 XTZ
4D 248,130 XTZ
5D 25,092 XTZ
6D 26,520 XTZ
7D 28,960 XTZ
8D 23,320 XTZ

Tęś© 694,722 XTZ
T$ 465,463.75 USD

Our rational in P13 is that the structure needs to change in order for us to “Survive”. However I want us to GROW. This also takes the pressure off the 1d names and provides a more reasonable “scale”.

It is my personal opinion that this what the prices would be today had Tezos Domains implemented an adjustable price structure 4 years ago. However we are here today, and I think this is a more reasonable starting place for an adjustable price structure.

It would also put life back into P-15 as that becomes more reasonable. As it is the community has already been getting these 50% for 2 years, which is killing Tezos Domains as a company.

This would put the metaphorical “Wind” in the Tezos Domains sales. More money for Marketing and Community = Bigger Community = More Domains registered = More people being directed to the DAO.

Amen. :pray:

I don’t think increasing 3/4 characters is a good idea.

I think personally, 500/250/50/10/3 is a better structure.

I think current market conditions should be included with the re-pricing. For example, the current amount of renewals we get for 3 characters is clearly indicating that it needs to be lower, not higher.

Awesome that’s 3 different suggestions we can now debate on!

Thats definitely more the point, getting the convo started. Mine is meant to be provocative for sure

I think the proposal is good as it is, but lets bring some debate to see the whole pic.

Again, I’m not a big fan of making big changes, but it seems that it is time for it.


I’d like to see more focus on how the proposed pricing modules would work in sustaining the project given the current expenditures and market activity/sentiment, on Tezos and in general.

Changed to P-016 ACTIVE. Proposal is now active on Homebase, locking the OP from further changes.

Voting info has been added to OP as per timestamp

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Confirming Results for P-016